Why You Get Tired When Studying And After Examination

7 min readMar 6, 2021


The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter, not harder. This becomes more and truer as you advance in your education. An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it through the higher institution with satisfactory grades. While some students are able to breeze through school with minimal effort, this is the exception. The vast majority of successful students achieve their success by developing and applying effective study habits. Therefore, the more we use pour brain to perform mental tasks, the more energy (i.e. glucose) is being used. This results in less glucose in the blood for other parts of the body, leading you to feel extreme exhaustion after long hours of thinking.


Study habit is an action such as reading, taking notes, holding study groups which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning. Many of the issues concerning success in school revolve around developing good study habits. Study habits are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic material. A person who waits until the very last night before an exam and then stays up all night trying to cram the information into his head is an example of someone with bad study habits.


Undergraduate research project is the exploration of a specific topic within a field by an undergraduate student that makes an original contribution to the discipline. Undergraduate research projects and materials is defined broadly to include scientific inquiry, creative activity, and scholarship. An undergraduate research project might result in a musical composition, a work of art, an agricultural field experiment, or an analysis of historical documents. The key is that the project produces some original work. There are many benefits to undergraduate research including, but not limited to, real world applications, research and professional experience, and better relationships with faculty and peers. It is also a task undertaken by student(s) within a given period of time in a given subject area aimed at making the student have independent capacity for inquiries and to supplement and as well complement formal teaching in his area of study. This enables the student hone-in the theoretical course work in the university. There is no doubt that the exercise will reveal to the lecturer who is assigned to supervise the student, the student’s area of strength and weaknesses. When these weaknesses are corrected during lecturer — student interaction, the student comes out to be the pride of the university — the alma mater.

Undergraduate research experiences help students understand a particular topic or phenomenon in a field while simultaneously strengthening their comprehension of research and research methods. Undergraduate research is inquiry-based learning that involves practicing a discipline, not just being told about it. Students learn and apply the tools by which knowledge is created in their disciplines. They discover firsthand how the steps of the research process are related to one another, experience the triumphs and pitfalls inherent to the creative process, see that research is an iterative process and that ambiguity is part of the real world, develop an understanding and appreciation of how knowledge evolves, and produce an original contribution to that body of knowledge. Examination is a detailed inspection or study. It is a formal test of a person’s knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill. It is also a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge.


Tiredness is the state of wishing for sleep or rest; weariness. It is the feeling that you are in need of rest or sleep. Most of the time fatigue can be traced to one or more of your habits or routines, particularly lack of exercise. It’s also commonly related to depression. On occasion, fatigue is a symptom of other underlying conditions that require medical treatment.



One of the reasons why you get tired when studying and after examination is because you are going through a brain strain. Did you know that constant studying with little to no breaks can tire your brain, causing you to lose focus? When this happens, it may seem as if the words in your notes are swimming around and the pictures in your textbook are jumping out at you.

The reason for this is because although the brain is only 2% of our body weight, it uses 20% of the energy we consume. And the more we use our brain to perform mental tasks, the more energy (i.e. glucose) is being used. This results in less glucose in the blood for other parts of the body, leading you to feel extreme exhaustion after long hours of thinking.


Another reason for feeling tires while studying and after examination is because you are lacking nourishment. Most students skip meals during examination just so they can focus more on their studies because this act is dangerous and not good for their health as it could tell on their entire system thus, the feel of tiredness when studying or even before and after examination. The truth is even if you do have 3 meals a day, you may be lacking certain types of food that will fuel both your brain and body, given students penchant for instant noodles and fast food during especially during examination as they feel they need enough time to study. This spells bad news for your energy levels and brain health. It’s important to eat well to boost your brain’s superpowers.


As a student you’re probably aware of how important your physical study space. If you must have a good learning environment, then no studying on the bed, get rid of clutter on your desk and study in a brightly lit environment.

However, your ambience plays a crucial role too. You may feel comfy sitting on your padded seat by the window with steady light streaming in, but if your other senses are frequently disturbed, then you are more likely to feel tired faster. When you find yourself in such an environment, it is important that you switch every once in a while to give your brain a much needed refresher. Consider taking your study session to a cafe, studying in silence or changing your music playlist to keep you motivated throughout the day.


Another reason for feeling tired during studying is anxiety. When you feel worried, nervous, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome it could tell ion you when studying thus, the reason for feeling tired.

Been anxious also means being put in tough situations which will tend to make you think of the worst, picturing scenario after scenario of the worst possible outcome, such as, “What if I fail this exam? If I fail, I won’t graduate. If I don’t graduate, I can’t find a job. No job means no income.”

When you only look at gloomy outcomes, you’re also overworking your brain, causing unnecessary stress on yourself. Truth be told, it’s totally not worth your mental energy.


Suffering from burn out is a phenomenon where a person is unable to concentrate on the work or study and constantly feels distracted and uninterested in his/her task. To explain the phenomenon of burnout it has been broken down into three parts: Experiencing constant ‘Exhaustion’ i.e. struggling to concentrate, feeling of ‘Cynicism’ i.e. feeling alienated from your studies, and finally ‘Inefficiency’ i.e. unable to learn your topic or complete the task in front of you.

If you’ve noticed a drastic change in your study behavior compared to when you first started out, it could be due to burnout. For example, you have always been at the top of your game in the past, but lately, it’s just been a constant slump and you’re just pushing yourself through for the sake of it.

Burnouts can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment, feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment. Because of this, you’re simply not motivated to go through with your studies anymore. But fret not! There are many ways you can recover from a burnout and prevent it from ever happening again. This includes taking well-deserved breaks and scheduling alone time for some self-reflection. With some effort and self-care, you’ll bounce back in no time!


Besides the usual fuzzy vision you get from straining your eyes too much (which can also make you tired), there other physical factors that may be the cause for your exhaustion while studying.

One reason could be because you are falling sick. If you feel like this could be the reason, give yourself a boost by taking vitamin C supplements or effervescent tablets and having a rest till you feel better.

If you’re all too familiar with headaches, loss of appetite and insomnia during your study sessions, you may also be going through a mental block that’s taking a toll on your body. The stress you’re feeling in your head may be displayed as physical symptoms in the form of illnesses and physical pain, even though your body is in tip-top shape.

So how can you overcome both mental and physical fatigue? Simply by incorporating everything good into your study sessions, of course! Make sure you eat the right foods, drink enough water (at least 8 glasses a day), take sufficient breaks in between study sessions and most importantly, get enough sleep

Of course, there are various other factors that can cause you to feel sleepy when you’re studying it could be as simple as feeling bored of your revision content. But if you’re noticing a change in pattern and don’t feel so good, we recommend switching up your study routine and checking in on your health.


Conclusively, you must take note of the factors that are stressing you and sort ways to tackle them especially when it’s beginning to affect on your academic performance. When you consider the many factors that could affect your future, you’ll eventually come to see that it isn’t actually that big of a deal, and that it’s something you’re able to overcome with a little bit of grit and determination.



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