The Need For Effective Communication In A Business Organization
Communication is central to the success of human beings and organizations. The ability to effectively communicate at work, home and in life is probably one of the most important sets of skills a person needs. Effective communication is not just a business skill-it is a life skill and the most important source of personal power at work, family and social situations. Communication is the process of understanding and being understood through ideas, facts, thoughts and emotions. Good communication is determined not by how well we say things but by how well we have been understood.
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Communication is a process by which message is conveyed to someone or a group of people. If the message is conveyed clearly and unambiguously, and is received by the receiver in the same way as intended by the sender, then communication is said to be effective. If the message reaches the receiver in a distorted form or somehow fails to create meaning or understanding, the communicator should realize that his/her communication has been affected by barriers. So we can say that communication becomes successful only if the receiver understands what the sender is trying to convey. The feedback received by the sender from the receiver allows the sender to determine how the message was interpreted and, if necessary, whether there is an opportunity to modify future messages.
Communication, a product of man’s way of being, is the most basic skill that man has ever had in his mother’s womb. Communication is our most basic skill, but at the same time it hurts us, and the skill that makes us most upset is again our communication skills. Everyone sees himself as the best communicator and expects the opposite to be himself. Communication is a two-step process; If we take the first step in order to understand the person on our side, it can happen that the miracle that is thought to be difficult to realize, in other words. Communication is a product of the way a person in private life, both the employee manager / staff of the institutions, and the institutions themselves maintain their assets.
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Communication is both an individual personality and an institutional entity that is a legal personality. Wilbur Schramm, by making an effective determination in the form of “every branch of the human community and its behavior is necessary for communication”, it tried to express that communication is important not only for people but also for businesses aiming at reaching their aims by benefiting from other sciences and human efforts as much as people
Even the use of the most sophisticated technology cannot guarantee effective communication. The world is changing rather fast and the communicator has to keep pace with the change. However, there are certain elements in all effective communication and to communicate effectively these attributes are to be taken care of. The elements of effective communication can be discussed under several headings:
Clarity of Thought and Expression:
The communicator must first know what he/she wants to convey and why. It is very much essential that he/she understands the purpose of his message. Communication without a clear objective amounts to groping in darkness like the seven blind men arguing the size of the elephant. The message should be clear in order to solicit effective feedback.
Correctness / Appropriatenes:
The message should not only be candid and clear, it should also be correct. It should be correct in spelling, grammar, content and format. Be sure that the statistical data, if you are using any, is correct. Use specific facts and figures. Ensure that the rules and conventions of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and idiom are correctly used as also style (appropriateness of word choice and level of formality to audience, purpose, and material)
Communication is a two-way street: it needs the efforts of both the sender and the receiver for success. It is a complex process. The communication, in spite of all efforts, may fail simply because the receiver somehow fails to provide feedback or the sender fails to interpret the feedback correctly. Then, do you think communication is difficult? If your answer is ‘yes’ you’re right. “Communication is so difficult,” asserts a guide, because at each step in the process there is major potential of error. By the time a message gets from a sender to a receiver, there are four basic places where transmission errors can take place and at each place, there are a multitude of potential sources of error
Growth increases in size or quality improvement, resulting from development in which the interacting internal changes series will increase size. It will be accompanied by changes in the characteristics of the growing object. The assets, net profits, and sales will increase. Cost reduction is crucial if the firm’s industry proliferates and the competitors are involved in the wards of prices with attempts of increasing market shares. Firms not gaining the needed economy of the large productions will face significant losses unless they find and fill small and profitable niches if special features of products or services offset the high prices.
It involves clearly transmitting a message and receiving acknowledgment that the message has been received and understood by your intended audience. Effective communication also means providing acknowledgment to others that ensures they feel heard and understood. The aforementioned proves that efficient open communication is generally crucial for the success of innovations in organizations, while its impact is not negligible with reference to the need to engage the highest possible number of employees in the innovation process. For these reasons, an analysis of the level of openness of communication processes in organizations is considered to be necessary. If organisations aspire to maintain competitiveness, they will need to keep pace with the organisations that react quickly to such changes. Open communication, as an instrument of effective engagement of human resources may be among the instruments of increasing the chances of organisations to maintain competitiveness.