The Importance Of Discussion Of Findings To Undergraduate Projects
Discussion of findings is a kind of summary of the chapter four of undergraduate project topics with theoretical and empirical underpinning. The discussion of findings is usually at the chapter four after the interpretation of the data analysis and test of hypothesis. Some of the importance of discussion of findings is listed below:
1. it improve the level of understanding of the project topic
2. it gives credibility to the author of your research topic
3. it helps provide justification for the result of the data analysis
4. it gives room for suggestion for further studies on the topic
5. it helps students draw final conclusion on the topic they are working on
It Improve The Level Of Understanding Of The Project Topic
Every project topic under social science usually involves statistical data analysis and discussion of findings. The discussion of findings improves the level of understanding of the topic for both the audience and the student that carried out the research because it will capture all the result of the data analysis and draw conclusion on the variables that have positive and negative effect on the topic. The discussion of findings help student understands the effect of one variable on the other.
It Gives Credibility To The Author Of Your Research Topic
Every discussion of findings usually involves the citation of authors that have done one or two researches on the variables in the analysis carried out. For example; the topic: effect of single parenting on child personality development in Nigeria; here you see that the first variable is “single parenting” and “child personality development” is the second variable. Now, if the result of the data analysis shows that there is a relationship between single parenting and child personality development; then we have to look for any author or a researcher that his/her empirical study or studies have been able to determine the relationship between single parenting on child personality development and use it back up our result of data analysis.
It Helps Provide Justification For The Result Of The Data Analysis
Discussion of findings helps provide justification for the result of the data analysis carried out on the research project topics. For example when the result of the data analysis shows that there is a relationship between single parenting and child personality development and also the research works done by previous authors or researchers shows the same thing; then the findings of the data analysis is justified.
It Gives Room For Suggestion For Further Studies On The Topic
Most students find it difficult to generate suggest for further studies; well here the discussion of findings can help you out on this. When have gathered all the result of the data analysis and you find out that most of the empirical studies by previous authors is not really captured on your analysis and you also know that the empirical studies is suppose to be captured on your topic, you can now suggest it for further studies.
It Helps Students Draw Final Conclusion On The Topic They Are Working On
Every research work has aim and objectives. At the end of the data analysis, you will observe that some result of the data analysis favours your aim; then you can draw conclusion based on those and recommend for improvement on those that didn’t favour your objectives.