The Challenges Faced By 100 Level Students And Their Academic Performance

3 min readJan 7, 2025


Education has long been recognized as a vital key to unlocking underdevelopment in Nations. It is the one major instrument for bringing about socio-political, economic, scientific and technological advancement of any country. This explains why most nations, both developing and advanced, invest a significant proportion of their annual budget in the education sector of their economy.

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As important as education is, its immediate benefits are not easily discernible just as its actual direct cost and indirect costs are difficult to quantify exactly in monetary terms. But one thing that all nations are worried about is the quality or standard of education offered in their schools right from elementary through secondary to tertiary institutions of learning.


Academic performance of students can be evaluated in many different ways, but in a developing country like Nigeria where about most of the adult population are illiterate, parents use the performance of their children in universities to pass judgment on the schools and teachers. To them, the logic is a simple one. The schools are supposed to be staffed by good teachers and supplied adequate facilities and instrumental materials.

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It is the responsibility of government to ensure through such provisions and regular inspection or supervision that effective teaching and learning go on in the schools. The task of parents is to send children to school and pay whatever fees and levies are charged by the institutions. Though many parents acknowledge shortages of funds, teachers and infrastructures in the schools and their own inability to buy all the required books and other learning materials for their wards, yet they strongly believe that if the students perform badly in their examinations, the teachers and administrators have not done their job well and should take most of the blame.


Schools, especially tertiary institutions, are complex social systems. The inputs infrastructure, funds and especially students, teachers, facilities and so on- into the school system are processed or converted by way of lectures, readings, seminars, counseling, interaction with colleagues and other social activities and the outcome is expected to be enlightened, cultured, educated, nationalistic and self-disciplined graduates. But a number of problems may exist within or outside the educational institutions that could make it difficult for the intended outcomes to be achieved. Problems are those things that make it difficult for effective teaching and learning and in tertiary institutions they also militate against the achievement of excellence in research, publications and community service. While higher education institutions everywhere experience some degree of difficulty in the pursuit of their vision, mission and goals, those associated with institutions in developing countries, as in Africa, are numerous. Some of these problems include lack of accommodation, dearth of experts in most engineering, medical, technological and information and communication technology disciplines. There are also problems of classroom spaces, lack of laboratories, poorly stocked libraries and most seriously poor funding compounded by large number of student intakes that far outstrip available facilities and staff.

Accommodation: Accommodation is very important to students especially those that just gained admission into tertiary institutions. The issue of accommodation ranges from poor hostel management, lack of adequate rooms for students and also affordability of accommodation by students. Lack of accommodation can affect students’ performance because the affected students cannot settle in properly thereby leading to truancy.

School location: School location is very importance for students’ wellbeing and academic performance. The distance from university can lead to exhaustion and truancy among students. Students coming from a distanced location from the university might have difficulties paying attention in class.

Lack of Instructional materials: The pivot of every academic success is the availability of instructional materials for students to study with. Most the libraries in most of these tertiary institutions are dilapidated and lack materials for students to utilize. Normally in Nigeria today, lecture is not enough for students to properly understand the courses there are studying hence the need for adequate instructional materials for students.



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