The Benefit Of Counseling Service To Final Year Final year students
In many countries of the world, divers’ circumstance have prompted the establishment of guidance and counseling in their educational systems. In Nigeria, some factors are responsible for the development of guidance and counseling and they include: Firstly, expansion in the enrolment of pupils/ students in primary and secondary schools a onetime minister of education, after examining the enrolment trends, which of course did not include actual applications made for enrolment, stated that: (mandatory students guidance and counseling service should be established in all Nigerian institutions of higher learning and through such service, the true condition of the Nigeria economy and its ever changing labour market situation and requirement would be exposed to students’ choice of fields and skill of study for subjects and undergraduate project exercises and then inculcating in them the acceptance of the dignity and more superior option of leaving institutions of higher learning well prepared both as possible paid employees of other and creators of jobs for self and others, in both the formal and the informal sectors of the economy).
Literally guidance means to direct, to point out, to show the path. It is the assistance or help rendered by a more experienced person to a less experiences person to solve certain major problems of the individual (less experienced) i.e. educational, vocational, personal etc.
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Guidance is a concept as well as a process. As a concept guidance is concerned with the optimal development of the individual. As a process guidance helps the individual in self-understanding (understanding one‘s strengths, limitations, and other resources) and in self-direction (ability to solve problems, make choices and decision on one‘s own).
The terms guidance and counseling have been loosely or interchangeably used. Guidance is a term which is broader than counseling and it includes counseling as one of its services. Butter makes a logical separation of the counseling process i.e. adjustive and distributive phase. In the adjustive phase, the emphasis is on social, personal and emotional problems of the individual, in the distributive phase the focus is upon educational, vocational and occupational problems. The distributive phase can be most aptly described as guidance while the adjustive phase can be considered as description of counselling.
Individual Counseling: There are so many reasons why a person chooses to come to therapy. Most importantly is to know that you are not ‘crazy’ and there is no shame in getting help; actually it’s the bravest thing a person can do for themselves or their family. We all need help at different points in our lives. Overall mental health is crucially important to living an abundant life and should be afforded the same care and attention to that of our physical health.
Children, Adolescents and Teens: Growing up can be a great yet challenging time for children or teens. It is such a unique time in their life and it can become so challenging due to issues within themselves, at home or at school with their peers. Often behavioral issues are just a way that the child/teen is communicating to the outside world, but there is a deeper issue at work. The great thing about children and teens is that once the source of the issue is addressed, change and growth can occur rapidly. Very often if there is an issue at home, whether discord or health issues with a parent, the child/teen absorbs the stress and acts out with their behavior. I believe that helping children and teens navigate through issues can be a life long aide to help them learn proper coping skills and ways to manage the stresses of life. It is very common that family therapy is recommended to augment the progress of the child or teen, and help the family learn how to best support them.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a process by which the client is made aware of how their thoughts, and emotions are related to their behaviors and choices. The way we interpret events and situations greatly depends on how we feel and act in the world. The word cognize means to think. If we think negatively it will effect how we feel and behave. The ultimate goal of CBT is to break the negative thinking, feeling and behaving cycle and change it into a positive cycle. This brings more clarity, happiness and fulfillment as clients are able to make more positive choices in their lives.
Counselling services are designed to help an individual final year student analyze himself/herself by relating their capabilities, achievements, interests and mode of adjustment to what new decision they have to make. These services are very critical for the final year students because they need it to solve career, study, personal and social problems they encounter in life. The school is supposed to provide time, place, and personnel required for skilled assistance of individual final year students in working out solutions to their personal problems. The services are designed to facilitate self-understanding through individual or group relationships. Effective guidance and counselling in secondary schools and other learning institutions has become extremely important in guiding final year students on the relationship between health and the environment, life-earning skills, the knowledge and attitudes that lead to success or failure in life. Effective counselling service should assist in improving the self-image of the final year students and facilitate better achievement in academic performance. For more related articles for final year students on counseling visit for thousands of topics