Students Academic Performance And Recreation Use: A Nexus

6 min readAug 3, 2023


Besides the elements of food, shelter and clothing, perhaps the next most important thing to man is recreation. Recreation can be seen as an act of utilizing work free hours on enjoyment of games and other activities available at a recreation centre and tourist attractions is no doubt necessary for the replenishment of the energy lost during working hours and above all to put the body in better frame for future challenges.

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The increasing anti-social behaviours and dwindling academic performances in the nation ‘s tertiary institutions today might not be unconnected with the growing lack of interest in the provision of recreational facilities for both staff and students. Many administrators of our institutions of higher learning do not see investment in these kinds of facilities as a priority area especially with the paucity of fund which has stalled many developmental projects in these institutions. It is in the light of this trend that this study attempts to look at the impact of recreational behaviour of students on their academic performance so as to give us an insight into the role of recreational facilities in the array of facilities needed in a tertiary institution


Academic performance or school outcome is the product of student’s achievements at specific institution, for specific time duration, under a specific guideline of a leader to a right motive. The academic performance can be best checked or judged by different ways according to the mental level of students like observations, test and examinations. The primary level student’s academic performance is usually checked by observations. While the examinations and tests are best way to check the academic performance or academic understanding in high classes. These written tests or examinations are known as home exams because it is conducted by school administration. In some countries examination is used to upgrade or degrade the students so if a student is intelligent but did not attend the annual exam will be left in same class till he/she succeed in the exam. Students learn in schools and institutions, their records are kept and this record is called academic performance and academic outcome. The student works under the supervision of a teacher, in a selected place, for selected time duration and their performance is measured by exams. This process is known as the academic performance. The learners choose the best institution to perform well or get academic excellence. The formal study of learner starts in schools. In school the learner learns various things along with technical, arts, literacy etc.

Academic activities are usually measured by test/examination or by assessments. Individuals have different mental level, interest, atmosphere which linked to difference in intelligence and personality. A Recent Meta Analyses suggested “mental curiosity” has an important influence on academic achievements. Early academic achievement enhances later academic achievements. The way of student’s interest, skills, reading habits, behavior etc are the outcome/reflection of parent’s academic socialization. The parents play vital role in child academic socialization. At first stage of her/his life the children learn languages which help him/ her to adjust and fulfill the academic expectations. Physical activity and language plays a vital role in best academic environment because sound body have sound mind and language is a tool for learning and expressing feelings/ knowledge. Exercise specifically increase executive brain functions such as attention, working memory, and motivation. Academic goals can be easily achieved only when the students feel safe, engaged and respected. The environment such as social, emotional, ethical and educational (academic achievement) creates a climate for learning and participating in democracy and well-being. High quality character education leads to academic achievements. Education or academic achievements and character education are co related. When the students are highly motivated towards a topic or they realized the good things by their inner satisfaction, they became good at every field of life as they feel good to do well. Their curiosity increase and pursue them to do well. But when they feel/find something difficult, they lose their way of interest, they became anxious and hesitated. The hesitation leads them to leave the academic performance.


Provision of recreational and sporting facilities often become focal points for communities, offering a diverse range of activities easily accessible using active modes, such as walking and cycling and public transport. Recreational facilities are essential components of urban infrastructure and provide an avenue for relaxation, social integration, and value to the residents. It is essential that leisure facilities are available to all people, more so that leisure facilities do enhance the potential of a city center by attracting visitors. The facilities need to be accessible to all community members and have sufficient quality and quantity. However, in many cases, they are inadequately provided or, to a greater extent, not located in the most desirable places as they should be. Furthermore, individual characteristics influence recreational activity regarding the location and environmental factors that tend to affect the residents’ behaviour in terms of wellness. Also worthy of consideration are principles of place, for instance, siting of new parks within easy walking distance; been mindful of visibility and accessibility to the community.


The relationship between academic performance and exercise is an important one, especially in the context of medical students. However, the extent and direction of this relationship has remained ambiguous. A large body of evidence suggests that physical activity is positively associated with cognitive ability. While much of the literature has focused on clarifying this relationship in older adults, evidence suggests that this association holds for younger individuals as well. Recent research has also tied increases in the utilization of campus recreation (CR) facilities (e.g., gyms) to a higher GPA in undergraduates. Additionally, regular exercise, rather than a single bout of exercise, is associated with improvements in cognition, anxiety, and mood in sedentary young adults. Children learn best, when the school environment is enriched with adequate teaching learning materials. Provision of recreational facilities in the schools created several avenues whereby individual students can develop intellectually according to their potentials and abilities. Adequate supply of recreational facilities reduces students’ unrest and vandalism, it also enhances smooth execution of educational programme for effective students’ academic performance. recreational facilities as printed e.g. textbooks, workbooks, and electronics gargets such as software, non-printed forms which include: low cost aids e.g. charts, maps and models. Recreational facilities are important tools that the teacher make use during the teaching learning processes and for teaching effectiveness. The teaching materials mentioned are printed, Sikhs, charts pictures, objects and machines. The author however noted that many teaching-learning facilities are needed to be kept by the teachers if effective teaching — learning processes are to be enhanced. The outdoor sports is a tool of characters formation because it inculcates a sense of discipline among students since no one can succeed in sports unless he/ she is disciplined, say in time management, proper dressing, feeding, among others. Outdoor sports involve working in teams and obeying rules. Sports men and women learn how to handle success and defeat because in sports, there are no enemies. All these are prerequisites for effective learning and hence good academic performance. Sports activities offer knowledge (such as how to play a game effectively), self-expression (when relating with team members of sports leaders) and fulfilment, personal achievements, skill acquisition and demonstration of abilities, social interaction, employment, good health and well being. With the increasing cost of health care around the world, the contribution of sports to good health could bring about significant savings to individuals and the nation at large as well as increasing concentration for academic work. Sports facilitate positive social interaction, integration and friendship among people of diverse social economic and ethnic groups hence students improving their academic performance.



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