Self Confidence And Students’ Performance In Research Project Defence
Self confidence has been defined in a number of ways throughout the literature. These definitions generally involve belief in one’s own abilities to perform. The more generalized form of self confidence, where there is a generalized belief in one’s ability, is theoretically distinct from the specific form of self confidence as used in this research; general self confidence is better defined as self esteem. Self esteem is an emotions-based assessment about one’s self worth or value. The value judgment is self directed, that is, one feels oneself is of value, but the personal judgment is often externally driven. Self esteem is believed to have a basis in genetics and experiences during key phases of personal and physical development. The self confidence of interest to this study is task specific; with self confidence being a belief in one’s ability to undertake a specific action to achieve an outcome. For example, having the belief that one can search for information to support a purchase decision would be described as information search self confidence. This specific form of self confidence is believed to have a relationship with self esteem, but can develop independently as a consequence of experiences related to that specific task. As people learn and undertake decisions they gain specific feedback about their abilities and thus develop the beliefs in those abilities, with those beliefs described as self confidence.
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Self-confidence has long been used as an important influencing factor in the field of business and marketing. Self-confidence is defined as “individuals’ performance expectancies and their self-evaluations of ability and completed performances”. Self-confidence can also be seen as self-concept of abilities. Self-confidence includes two key constructs which are (a) perceived competence and (b) a lack of anxiety. Specifically, individuals feel self-confident when they recognize that they have the needed ability to complete the task in question successfully. Subsequently, anxiety is the antonym of self-confidence. Thus to reiterate, lack of anxiety enhances the self-confidence of an individual.
Academic performance
Academic performance is often referred and debated in educational policies and discourses. There is a deep and empirically tested knowledge about the factors that lay on the basis of school learning processes and which impact its development, but mainly about the learning processes difficulties. Both national and international researchers talk about Academic performance but also about educational attainment, giving to these expressions different meanings. Academic performance is often linked with successful student’s individual capacities and abilities it can also be seen as the student’s school results, i.e., a student who being in the school system, public or private, with the convenient age, finishes a high school degree or equivalent, successfully, without neither interruptions nor failings. Educational attainment is a wider concept when compared with academic achievement, as it also embraces other complex variables that are linked with the process of progressing through all schooling levels.
Self confidence and students’ performance in project defense
Self-confidence refers to as someone’s power and abilities to perform a task (Merriam-Webster). It involves someone’s feelings, thoughts and courage in improving themselves in performing tasks and activities that the teachers required to perform. It is also their belief on hoe to perform their tasks successfully without any hesitation. While performance in project defence are different activities that teachers might required the students to perform and complete. However, performances tasks don not only refer to activities that needs to perform but also assignments, project and quizzes. Self-confidence is a problem that baffles many students. They were having a hard time to cope with that particular problem. Studying self-confidence and performance in project defence may aid students an understanding on how important to know the correlation between the two given variables. In performing different activities it does not only require intelligence and creativity. Conducting this study is important, most especially to every student, to know the correlation between students’ level of self-confidence and performance in project defence. Performance task can be classified as the different activities that require to performed and demonstrate. It needs knowledge, skills and creativity in order to accomplish the given tasks. However, performance in project defence also refers to Academic requirements that need to submit like quizzes, assignments, project and other things that need to pass on time
In conclusion there is a significant relationship between students level of self-confidence and performance in project defence. However, certain factors have to be considered in the actual scenario in school where students can be at the peak of their interest considering their assertiveness at their age but the performance in project defence do not incline to their interest. The role of the teachers and facilitators of learning is truly critical and essential because this requires the 21st century skills like creativity and critical ability to determine the inadequacy and to find the appropriate means to resolve such problem. Primarily, self-confidence and academic attainment has an association. Students who perform well in school tend to have high level of self-confidence and can easily accomplish the required tasks. While those students who cannot perform well in school tend to have low level of self-confidence and they were having a hard time to accomplish the required tasks. Self-confidence and academic achievement was found positive and those students with high level of self-confidence perform better in their performance.