Proof Reading And Students Academic Performance
There is no obligation for any student to engage the assistance of a paid proofreader at any stage of study or on any piece of coursework. However, it is acknowledged that certain types of student texts are quite often submitted for proofreading to a third party, and such assistance is at times actively recommended by supervisors.
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This is particularly the case for doctoral dissertations which typically aim for publication standard in their presentation. In addition, students whose first language is not English may want to have Masters level projects and dissertations proofread. There are no University regulations forbidding the use of proofreaders for other types of work but please see the note below on consulting supervisors.
Proofreading is simply careful reading. As you review every word, sentence, and paragraph, you will find errors. When you locate them, you can use proofreading symbols to shorten the amount of time you spend editing. It is an excellent idea to become familiar with these symbols. Proof-reading means correction of errors in a manuscript, typescript or printed copy before publication. In its widest sense, proof reading implies every kind of verification of statements appearing in a copy; but more generally the term is applied to the correction of printer’s errors. The changes desired to be made are indicated by the proof-reader with an established code of marks which are standardized for general use. Proof- Reading can also be defined as the means of examining the text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style and spelling. Proofreading means correction of errors in a typescript, manuscript or printed copy before publication. It can also be defined as the means of examining the text carefully to find out correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style and spelling. You have come to know about various Proofreading Symbols/Signs, guidelines for proofreading and the procedure of typewriting a proofread document
There are commonly used Proofreading Symbols/Signs and these are used almost by following the same pattern. A document is writtein in hand or is printed in the Printing Press in draft form. In order to finalise the document to be typed/printed fairly, it is once again read from the draft. While reading the draft of the document, some additions, deletions and alterations are made. These additions, deletions and alterations are indicated by Standard Proofreading Symbols/Signs by the person who has read the draft document. The proofreading mark is given in the margin, along with the specific details about the changes that are to be made, and a mark in the text showing where these changes are to be implemented.
Students’ academic gain and learning performance is affected by numerous factors including gender, age, teaching faculty, students schooling, father/guardian social economic status, residential area of students, medium of instructions in schools, tuition trend, daily study hour and accommodation as hostelries or day scholar. Many researchers conducted detailed studies about the factors contributing student performance at different study levels.
Today, there is a clear need for education to learn about the factors that influence a student’s academic performance, considering the performance to be the quantitative result obtained during the learning process, based on the evaluations carried out by the teachers through objective test evaluations. The latest patterns in this area highlight the importance of considering other variables beyond intellectual capabilities. These trends are supported by several points of research that show that academic performance is not only associated with intellectual quotient (IQ), but there are multiple variables and dimensions to which a certain predictive value can be attributed. For this reason, the objective of this report is to extend the existing source of knowledge when it comes to explaining or understanding academic performance, which is why we will analyze the importance of emotional intelligence, personality and the meaning of life in such performance.
Academic instruction is arguably the primary business of education. To this end, schools are expected to influence students’ learning, socialisation, and even vocational preparedness. Despite the attention paid to a broad definition of educational outcomes, however, academic performance remains central. Students’ academic performance is a term that appears frequently married in higher education discourse. Academic performance is a multidimensional construct composed of the skills, attitudes, and behaviors of a learner that contribute to academic success in the classroom
Because proofreading is very important for students’ academic performance, you should be aware of which steps to take before you proofread (or have a proofreader look at your work). The step that directly precedes proofreading is editing (which can be further divided into language editing, copy-editing, and line editing), and it is therefore important to know how to edit your work in-depth before performing a final proofread. Apply needed changes to structure and organization. For instance, if there are too many results listed, delete or consolidate them while editing. Proof reading is not a new phenomenon and is becoming more and more widely available. Starting at undergraduate level, NNES students were already expected to become proficient writers and often those who write using complex sentences and coherent texts could construct and compose their texts more successfully as they were more inclined to employ an array of writing strategies. Students should note that the type of proofreading work required will impact on the length of time the work takes and the resulting cost. Note also that students may not always be the best judge of what level of correction is needed to their work, especially when they are writing in a second language. It is therefore a matter that should always be discussed in advance. If in doubt, the course supervisor should be able to advise on the type of corrections — if any — that might be needed. The final decision may therefore depend partly on student preferences and partly on supervisor/proofreader advice, although it is important to remember that the final decision rests with the student, as the one responsible for payment and ultimately for the content of the work