4 min readAug 21, 2020


The prevalence of choosing the wrong career among undergraduate students cannot be overemphasized. This is because there are lots of factors that tend to influence greatly on the career choice of undergraduates. Most of them when it comes to choice of career can get extremely confused as regards the choice of career. The confusion sometimes stems from the career choices of others or the influence of parents, guardians, spiritual directors and even peer groups. The success and failures of others in that career field is also a great influencer to the career choice of undergraduates. Peer pressure can influence the career choice of undergraduates in the sense that they have a way of making a particular career look more attractive and a ladder to the top while looking down on other careers as unattractive. It is very important to go through some undergraduate project topics that are based on career choice; reading up articles about career choice will not only influence their career choice but also give them insight on a good career path to follow.


Peer pressure is when you are persuaded and forced by your peers to do something you have refused to do or participate in. but because of the pressure coming from your peer group, you succumb to their demands. Peer pressure has a way of forcing their influence on you whether you like or not. As a result of peer persistence, you yield to their plans and idea.


Career choices are mainly exercised after going through an objective assessment and outlook of the benefits of the job and what comes with it. Factors may include the salary, other benefits, location, opportunities for career advancement, etc. Therefore, career choice is the decision an individual makes concerning his/her life which is influenced by multiple factors that includes cultural values, family background, personal attitude as well as career expectations and many more. Undergraduates must come to the understanding that the career choice they make will go a long way in determining a huge part of their lives. Your career choice is what will take most parts of your life. That is why the choice for a career is not an easy one and must be done considering some certain factors. If you find out you have chosen the wrong profession, it is even more important to carefully think about the next step to take. Career choice is a delicate and complex part of the human life and most be taken with absolutely seriousness and carefulness. However, in life people tend to make a career switch, however in making this switch it is important that you find out what you have passion and interest for. You can decide to undertake a career test to ascertain the career that fits and interest you as well as tells you which area of expertise you will probably find a profession suitable for you.


The effect of peer pressure on career choice is massive because they have a way of painting the career of their choice as the best as against your own choice. They tend to shove down their opinion on you and force you into agreeing with their choice of career.



One of the ways to improve on career choice is to seek counseling help. Seeking the counsel of a counselor as regards the choice of career is advisable in making the right career choice. However, you can sieve out whatever the counselor says to you, you don’t have to take in totally what the counselor says. The counselor can only advice you but not forced you into choosing any career.


Passion towards a particular career should be your yardstick for choosing any career. Choosing the right career path is very important for undergraduates because the choices you make today will determine who you will become tomorrow that is why it is important to take into consideration many factors when choosing a career. Your future and how it turns out is greatly influenced and determine by the career you choose today so be wise and very passionate about whatever career you intend to choose.


Your sense of judgment will help you in making a career choice. You must work on your sense of judgment and understand when your instinct is at peace with your decisions as regards your career choice.


In conclusion, do not allow peer pressure force you into career choice that you don’t have passion and interest for. In as much as you must consider many factors while choosing a career, you must not allow pressure from either peer groups or families influence your choice of career. Your career is solely your decision to take and non other.

