Mathematics And The Socio-Economic Development Nexus

3 min readFeb 27, 2024


Mathematicians are always actively involved in various scientific researches. Research is a process of finding out solution to a problem, a process of getting and developing valid knowledge about something of material, social, economic or educational values we come directly in contact with. Research is not just an activity. It is an intellectual activity. Research is purposeful and is conducted to generate knowledge or add to an existing body of knowledge


Mathematics is an essential component of every human culture and responds to its environmental social stresses. Every civilized society makes use of mathematics. Mathematics evolved in response to the needs of prehistory societies. He noted that as people lived together, their interaction created problems that needed practical solution. Activities as trading, building of houses, working on farms, even fighting all these had their attendant problems that found solutions in mathematics.

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The pre-historic society had to calculate the quantity of materials needed to build a house, the amount of food needed to provide for their army among others. In addition to the practical problems of mathematics were those motivated by religion, for instance, the clergy found astronomy necessary for fixing the dates of religious festivals, there were geometrical problems arising from the construction of altars and temples. Mathematics arose from the need for a system of counting and for calculating areas and volumes. They however, opined that mathematics has over the centuries become less concerned with practical matters and has turned instead towards logic and pure intellectual speculation.


Socio-economic development, therefore, is the process of social and economic development in a society. It is measured with indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP), life expectancy, literacy and levels of employment. Economic development is the development of economic wealth of countries or regions for the well-being of their inhabitants. Economic growth is often assumed to indicate the level of economic development. The term “economic growth” refers to the increase (or growth) of a specific measure such as real national income, gross domestic product, or per capita income. The term economic development on the other hand, implies much more. It is the process by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social wellbeing of its people.


Mathematics is the language of science, is the gate way and key to any success in the field of science. Scientists depend on mathematics because it is precise, accurate and amenable to brevity. It is gives exact quantities and disposed to the reporting of formulae and experimental observations. Technological breakthrough that is the precursor of development is hinged on science and mathematics. Technological innovations is an imperative in the socio-economic transformation and competitive advantage of any nation. Mathematics as bedrock of the science is a veritable instrument for the development of technology in Nigeria beyond 2024. Scientists, engineers, technologists, para-scientist and para-technologists must be properly grounded in mathematics as to properly fill their place in the development of Nigeria now and beyond 2024. Modern technological development, as we all know has its root from scientific inventions. Engineering is the application of science, while technology is the actualization of engineering science. In all ramifications, scientists prove and establish the existence of laws governing natural phenomena, engineers use the knowledge of the laws to determine how to harness natural forces for the benefit of man; and technologists make use of available resources to physicalize the concepts and ideas from the engineers’ drawing board. Through mathematics, the interdependence of science, engineering and technology is made manifest. For technology to strive, the scientist and technologist have to posses workable knowledge of all basic sciences namely, physics, chemistry, biology and computer science, as well as in depth knowledge of mathematics



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