Instructional Delivery Method And Student Achievement Among College Students

5 min readSep 5, 2021


Instructional delivery model are methods, strategies, approaches or even techniques that a teacher employ to deliver his/her subject matter of a lesson to the learners. It can as well be regarded as a representation of a pattern in which a lesson is to be presented. The process of instructional delivery must be based on stated objectives of the lesson, it is based on this that when the process of instructional delivery is over, then the opportunity to determine if the aim of the lesson has been achieved or not comes, which is the evaluation act that will tell if the lesson met stated objectives. Instructional delivery has been seen as the process showing every activity the teacher and the learner does in a classroom setting. So every effort that the teacher makes in order to have a fruitful time with the students by exposing the contents, employing methods, strategies, the pupils interaction with the environment, resources available and even the evaluation process sums up to mean instructional delivery. When a teacher consciously utilizes his training, knowledge, skills and value and relays it in order to change the behavioral position of the learner, he is carrying out instructional delivery.

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The essence of the use of different instructional delivery models is to enable the instructor (teacher) surmount the challenges on the organization and passage of the instruction to students who are assumed to have come from different backgrounds, therefore, possess different learning styles, pace and understanding the lessons based on their previous knowledge. From the foregoing, it is clear to us that one model of instruction will not be able to bring about an effective instructional delivery that can produce the kind of result desired from the learners. The nature of the subject will demand for the teacher to employ numerous models, methods, strategies, approaches or techniques to ensure that the learners learn indeed after every instruction. So because it has been established that instructional delivery is a deliberate interface between the learner and the learning activities, therefore, it is from this interaction process that learning actually takes place. This interface is the implementation stage of the curriculum. Here, the teacher, the learner and the learning activities are on stage. The teacher who is the leader on this stage is free at this point to modify the plan of action based on the reaction of the learners to the learning activities in order to promote learning and improve academic performance.

Students’ performance refers to different levels of measurable and observable behavior of learners after an instructional process. Students’ Academic performance is all the observable and/or measurable behavior of a person after an academic exercise. This can only be measured or observed when a performance test like a mental test is administered to the learner in a situation whereby the person involved will be expected to do something instead of saying something. So at any point in time when a student’s observable and measurable behavior assessment is done, then what is taking place is academic performance assessment. Academic performance consists of the scores obtained at any particular time from a teacher-made assessment test. So when a student performs a behavior expected for an educational intention, the outcome so referred to is academic performance.


Instructional delivery can also be defined as the knowledge of teaching techniques and their application for learning to take place in such a flexible manner that would not distort the original intent of the teacher for being in the classroom.

Instructional Delivery refers to the interaction among the student, the teacher, the content, and the knowledge/skills/dispositions students will need for learning and collaborating with others in a diverse society and rapidly changing world. The process of instructional delivery involves applying a repertoire. Educators who use instructional strategies allow students to make meaningful connections between concepts learned in class and real-life situations. They offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and course correct on their own when needed.


Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement. The students’ academic performance depends on a number of socio-economic factors like students’ attendance in the class, family income, mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of the student, and distance of schools. Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.


Students taught with instructional materials performed significantly better than those taught without instructional materials and also that the use of instructional materials generally improved students’ understanding of concepts and led to high academic achievements.

Whatever is the case, teaching method refers to the structuring of educational materials to achieve an effective teaching-learning process. However, there is no one best teaching method for instruction in technical and vocational education programs. One method may be more desirable to use in a lecture or tutorial class while another is more appropriate in team teaching. This implies that teaching has ever been struggling through a transitional period so replete with cross-currents and uncertainties of which instructional techniques and methods must be adopted to yield better results among students during conventional class and practical class instruction.

In the present time, survival of education in Nigeria depends on effective use of new teaching and learning technologies for instruction. This premise is more evident today because the public is demanding accountability. Moreover, educators are advancing competency-based instruction as their reaction to the stage challenge; a stage in which many academic institutions in Nigeria perceive their traditional methods of instruction as obsolete with the introduction of electronic and other sophisticated methods of instruction.

The essence of the use of different instructional delivery models is to enable the instructor (teacher) surmount the challenges on the organization and passage of the instruction to students who are assumed to have come from different backgrounds, therefore, possess different learning styles, pace and understanding the lessons based on their previous knowledge.

From the foregoing, it is clear to us that one model of instruction will not be able to bring about an effective instructional delivery that can produce the kind of result desired from the learners. The nature of the subject will demand for the teacher to employ numerous models, methods, strategies, approaches or techniques to ensure that the learners learn indeed after every instruction.


Conclusively, it is very important for teachers to have the mastery of the use of instructional delivery. It is one thing to have instructional materials, it is another to know how to deliver it in such a way that students can comprehend, assimilate and perform excellently academically. Knowing the type of method or strategies to apply in teaching and learning will enable a teacher pass the message clearly to students which eventually will lead to an improved academic performance. However, poor students’ achievement or academic performance result among students is majorly an indication of the use of poor or wrong methodologies for instructional delivery and advised that more studies be done on instructional delivery strategies that can enhance students’ academic performance.




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