How To Write A Complete Project Under Education In Three (3) Days
It has been an aged long practice for students to write final year project once they get to their final year in the university. And this project requires them to come up with a researchable project topic. It is a compulsory assessment exercise in the final year of university students, it is seen as a learning experience for students, and an addition to the university as the findings of the research can be used to solve problems identified by the researcher. The quality of student output as regard the project is often used as an indicator of the quality of the program in general.
Research exercise carried out by undergraduate students is to know and evaluate how well they can apply the skills and knowledge they’ve gained in all their years of study in the university in solving real life problems. It gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to independently design and conduct a research project on their own with the assistance and supervision of their supervisors.
Writing of research project is also a way of identifying the ability of student to perform an industrial project that is in cognizance with their discipline. Therefore, research can be said to be motivating exercise for students because them choose suitable and researchable project topics, research methodology, tools, and make appropriate decisions during the whole process of project writing.
Supervisors are also assigned to students to watch, assist, and make necessary adjustments to students research work assigned to them. However, their role in research project is very vital as they coordinate the whole research process and ensure it is developed in the right way and format.
Final Year Research Project
A final year project represents a demonstration of a student’s ability to integrate the knowledge they acquired from more than one course and subject, to produce a final work that shows your readiness to graduate. In many cases, you are also required to demonstrate the ability to learn new skills on your own. However, the write up of your final year project has to follow clear academic guidelines that also show integrity, creativity, organization, and research skills.
The final year project is the culmination of the degree it gives students a chance to demonstrate all they have learnt in all their years in the university. After writing the project, students must submit their research work for assessment as well as show their progress and final results, and finally defend their project work.
How To Complete A Final Year Project In Three (3) Days
Most students find it difficult completing their project work especially when they are behind schedule or have their defense very close. Therefore, it is necessary that you understand ways you can complete your project work even with limited time as short as three days. Below are ways you can complete your project work under education in three days.
A) Day 1
Write Your Chapter One, Form And Distribute Your Questionnaire
One of the ways you can complete your project work under education in three days is to write your chapter one. You should already know that your chapter one contains your introduction of the project topic, background of the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives, research questions, statement of research hypothesis, significance of the study, scope of study, limitation of the study and definition of terms.
Your chapter one is the most easiest chapter to write in a research work because basically its introduces the research topic letting your audience in on reasons why you choose the research topic, the problem you identified and how you intend to go about it. It gives your reader and supervisor a sneak peek into your research work even before reading deeper in to your findings.
Therefore, it should be an easy one for you to write especially if you are familiar with the topic and chose the topic yourself because it interests you and draws your attention to finding solution to the problem and making appropriate recommendations.
The next thing you should do is to form your questionnaires and distribute them letting your targeted audience know how urgent you need their response, if possible they can answer the questionnaires and give them back to you immediately because you need it to run your analysis.
B) Day 2
Write And Develop Your Methodology And Run The Analysis
On day 2 of completing your project work in three days, write and develop your methodology and run your analysis form the questionnaires you’ve collected. There are different methodologies you can use on your project work although it depends on your project topic; there are project topics that would require you to use primary data while some may require secondary data. Know the methodology that suits your project topic and adopt it as it is vital to your analysis. If it’s the primary data that suits your project topic then you are expected to use questionnaires, interviews etc. if its secondary data then CBN statistical bulletin, or National bureau of statistics etc.
C) Day 3
Write Your Chapter Two And Discuss The Findings Of Your Data Analysis
On day 3, write your chapter two and discuss the findings of your data analysis. The chapter two of your research work is basically review of related literatures to your project topic. Research on work that has been done by other researchers that is related to your project topic and review them. Also discuss the findings of your data analysis. After carrying out your data analysis which is the product of your research methodology, it is expected that you discuss what your findings are as regards the analysis you carried out. Your findings are mostly what your readers are in interested in after knowing what led to the research and also the problem of the study they want to know what your final findings are as regards the problem identified. It is your findings that adds spice to your research work.
The conclusion of university studies required the development of a Final Project, which represented in many cases the first contact of the students with the professional activity and research. It is therefore a crucial component in the quality improvement of the engineering education.