How Seminar Presentation Can Boost Your Confidence During Project Defense

6 min readJun 10, 2021


Confidence is not something we are born with. It is shaped by experiences in childhood, early adolescence and adulthood. Confidence is more than just a state of mind or a skill that can be enhanced over time. It is a barometer of how you perceive yourself. The good news is that you can build up this belief in yourself over time. Confidence is a constantly evolving state of being. We can feel amazingly confident carrying out some tasks and have a crippling fear of others.

Self-confidence is considered one of the most influential motivators and regulators of behavior in people’s everyday lives. A growing body of evidence suggests that one’s perception of ability or self-confidence is the central mediating construct of achievement strivings. Therefore, the major influence in the acquisition of expert performance is the confidence and motivation to persist in deliberate practice.

Self-confidence is not a motivational perspective by itself. It is a judgment about capabilities for accomplishment of some goal.

The undergraduate project is often the first major piece of independent research that a student will undertake. We are today in knowledge driven world where knowledge assets rather than physical assets and natural assets are considered more relevant in creating competitive and differential advantages. This means that students’ project work in their undergraduate curriculum is aimed at meeting the knowledge needs of the students, society and the world at the level and stage when the body and mind are willing and receptive to knowledge. However, one of the things you might be asked to do on your university course is to give an oral presentation during a seminar. Formal speaking in front of an audience can be challenging if you have not done this before, and plenty of preparation beforehand can help to increase your confidence if you are asked to do this.

Project work at the undergraduate level is an undertaking usually at the last lap of a journey of four or five years programme depending on the choice of course or academic pursuit/career. It is therefore a point where and when a student leaves a statement as a foot print on the part that he/she traversed over a period of time. The statement or the content of the project may be a building block for the future students or humanity at large. When students are at the point of entry into the university they ought to know that they will leave a footprint by way of project, for this, they ought to read widely and get focused early enough. Therefore, one of the ways to boost your confidence even before your project defense is seminar presentation. Seminar presentation is the building block or perhaps a clue to what is expected of you during project defense. You must also understand that no one can build your confidence for you, so if you want to change, you must be willing to give it a go.


A seminar presentation is a short informal talk giving the results of your researches into a topic on the course. You are sharing your ideas or discoveries in a way that gives seminar participants an opportunity for discussion.

A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to participate. Seminars are an important part of many academic programmes and provide an opportunity for a group of students to discuss and analyze a range of new material, ideas and concepts together with the tutor. In some schools such classes are referred to as seminars and in other they are called tutorials.


The range of resources and materials used in seminars and tutorials is as considerable as tutors’ expectations about what students will have to do. The accessibility of teaching materials such as PowerPoint and overhead projector slides is as important in seminars and tutorials as it is in lectures. A possible difference is that in seminars and tutorials, displays on screens are often less distant from students than they may be in a lecture theatre.


Project defense can be very easy once you completely understand your research work and are prepared for the questions. During the defense, the panel of assessors will ask your questions to test your knowledge of the research subject matter, depth of your work, the results and conclusions you arrived at. A defense however, presents evidence for a thesis. It’s important to keep in mind that if you go into a defense with the right attitude and preparation, failing is nearly impossible. The committee wants to see how well you know your subject and your research. Nerves may get the better of you as you face unknown questions, but as with a job interview, practicing ahead of time will lead to a successful defense.

See samples of Undergraduate project research materials in pdf and Doc

Facing a defense can be stressful, but think of it as an opportunity to share what you’ve learned. Remember that you aren’t arguing points when you defend your work. Instead, a proper thesis defense gives you and your faculty advisers the chance to discuss your topic and research in greater detail.

Undergraduate research project is an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline. Undergraduate project is an academic assignment (or research) undertaken by a student towards the completion of his/her academic pursuit of a first degree as stated in his first degree curriculum.

Undergraduate research projects can be designed to fit a variety of class constructs and to promote student learning at all levels of undergraduate education. It is also a task undertaken by student(s) within a given period of time in a given subject area aimed at making the student have independent capacity for inquiries and to supplement and as well complement formal teaching in his area of study. This enables the student hone-in the theoretical course work in the university. There is no doubt that the exercise will reveal to the lecturer who is assigned to supervise the student, the student’s area of strength and weaknesses. When these weaknesses are corrected during lecturer — student interaction, the student comes out to be the pride of the university — the alma mater.

Undergraduate research projects can be student or faculty initiated, and students can either participate in a work in progress or enter a project at its start. Undergraduate research is the exploration of a specific topic within a field by an undergraduate student that makes an original contribution to the discipline.


A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to participate.

Seminars are an important part of many academic programmes and provide an opportunity for a group of students to discuss and analyze a range of new material, ideas and concepts together with the tutor. In some schools such classes are referred to as seminars and in other they are called tutorials.

As an undergraduate seeking for an advanced degree, you must complete your research work and then defend it orally before the committee (external supervisors). The dissertation defense comes after the long and laborious work of writing the dissertation and can be the source of anxiety for the student. Therefore, with the experience you’ve had from seminar presentation, it is expected that the outcome of your undergraduate project defense will be nothing less than excellent.


In conclusion, the act of building your confidence can seem daunting. However, the freedom you will feel when you have deep-rooted self-assurance will be exhilarating. Having confidence doesn’t mean you will never feel fearful, but it allows you to work through your fears and enjoy the process of moving out of your comfort zone. This, in turn, builds even more confidence.

Therefore, the most important foundation for building confidence is to remember that you don’t need to, and must not aspire to, change overnight. It takes time to become confident, both internally and to others. It is not about being outside of your comfort zone and entering the ‘panic zone’. It is about working hard to make that comfort zone bigger.

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