How Self Esteem Improve Students Presentation Skills
In order to communicate better, speaking skill is considered to be one of the most important skills. Speaking is an active and productive skill. The target of speaking skill is an ability to express ideas freely and spontaneously. Speaking starts to develop during the age of childhood because at this stage, the children are easy to accept stimulus from the environment. Speaking is one language skills that is developed since the age of childhood in which it is started by the listening skill.
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Nevertheless, mastering speaking skill is not an easy matter to do. It can be seen from the reality that there are many students who still do not have a good presentation skill despite many years of learning and practice. In university level, one of the many processes of helping students develop a good presentation skill is that the lecturers usually give the students some projects that must be completed. That activity is aimed to make the students easier to practice speaking in order to communicate with each other. Oral presentation is one of the courses introduced in schools in order to enhance students speaking ability. Therefore, oral presentation in speaking course is very important to enhance the students’ ability in communication.
Self-esteem is the value an individual places on themselves relative to others. It is also what one believes and feels about themselves. It can also mean accepting one’s weaknesses as well as strengths, and that one feels that they deserve the respect from others. With self-esteem, one learns to build on strengths and to compensate for weaknesses. A positive self-esteem is crucial in maintaining academic performance among students.
A person’s self-esteem can be perceived as negative or positive depending on how one evaluates their worth. The value that one attaches to self leads to the level of self-esteem that they have. As a result, this level of self-esteem can influence ones performance of tasks in various situations in life. The two extremes of self-esteem are not desirable. Positive self-esteem implies that, comparing ones value to others, the individuals find themselves superior. This can lead to behaviors like arrogance, selfishness and difficult in coping with others. Such behavior may influence an individual’s academic performance.
Self-esteem has become a household word. Teachers, parents, therapists, and others have focused efforts on boosting self-esteem, on the assumption that positive self-esteem will cause many positive outcomes and benefits. Appraisal of the effects of self-esteem is complicated by several factors. Because many people with positive self-esteem exaggerate their successes and good traits, however, we emphasize objective measures of outcomes. Positive self-esteem is also a heterogeneous category, encompassing people who frankly accept their good qualities along with narcissistic, defensive, and conceited individuals. It is noted that the modest correlations between self-esteem and school performance has indicated that positive self-esteem leads to good academic performance. Therefore, Positive self-esteem is the result of good academic performance. Efforts to boost the self-esteem of students have been shown to improve academic performance and many times have been productive. Job performance in adults is sometimes related to self-esteem, although the correlations vary widely, and the direction of causality has not been established. Occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. This means that good academic performance boosts self-esteem and not the vice versa.
Positive self-esteem makes people more willing to speak up in groups and to criticize the group’s approach. Leadership does not stem directly from self-esteem, but self-esteem may have indirect effects.
Relative to people with negative self-esteem, those with positive self-esteem show stronger in- group favoritism which may increase prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, neither high nor negative self-esteem is a direct cause of violence. Narcissism leads to increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride. Negative self-esteem may contribute to externalizing behavior and delinquency, although some studies have found that there are no effects or that the effect of self-esteem vanishes when other variables are controlled. The highest and lowest rates of cheating and bullying are found in different subcategories of positive self-esteem.
Self-esteem is defined as individual‘s overall evaluation or appraisal of themselves, whether they approve or disapprove of themselves, like or dislike themselves. it is the way one feels about oneself or the sense of personal worthy and competence that people associate with their self concept. It can be said to be the degree to which an individual believes him/ herself to be capable, significant, and worth. it is also a set of attitudes, judgments that a person brings with him or herself when facing the world. It includes beliefs as to whether he or she can expect success or failure. In general, it refers to attitudes and beliefs towards self.
General Self-esteem is developed during the age of childhood and emerges from the accumulation of inter and intrapersonal experiences.
There are numerous reasons why we may have low self esteem. Low self esteem can be caused by hearing a comment or experiencing an incident that has a negative impact on us mentally and emotionally. The comment or incident may only happen once, but we may tend to repeat it in our memories to the point that it affects our beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs may occur subconsciously over time to the point that we may think that they are normal. Some of the causes of low self esteem include poor health, being bullied, lack of support from family, friends, and job loss. If we are experiencing verbal and sexual abuse and are in a violent relationship, we may think that is normal and the way we will always be treated. These reasons may lead to feelings of isolation, not feeling valued, loved or wanted. If we are overweight and are having trouble losing weight, this may lead to low self-esteem.
Friends, Family, School and Work
Other causes of low self esteem include divorce, dysfunctional family, death and lack of achievement at work and at school. Low self esteem can lead to needs not being met because we feel as though we do not deserve it or are uncomfortable asking. Setting limits and disciplining children can be a problem. Unfortunately, low self-esteem can be passed from parent to child. If we have parents who are demanding and never satisfied with us, we may think that is normal and the way we will always be treated. The child may model what is seen as the proper behavior for a parent and in turn treat their child the same way they were treated by their parent. This could lead to a cycle of abuse.
We may experience low self esteem at an early age because of pressure from our parents, family or friends to excel in school or a particular sport. If we do not perform well our self esteem may be negatively affected. In high school, we may experience low self esteem because we are trying to conform to stereotypes and prove our independence from our parents. In college, we may experience low self esteem because we are trying to acquire skills and find employment. Low self esteem may cause us not to complete our school assignments or tasks at work. We may provide numerous excuses for why we are not able to complete our assignments. These excuses may range from blaming other students in the classroom for making too much noise during an exam, to co-workers who did not explain the tasks completely. Blaming others for our fear of being viewed as a failure can lead to us dropping out of school or prematurely quitting our job.
Low self esteem may cause us to brag about our exploits to our family and friends at school and work. These baseless exploits may be verbalized to mask the true reality of our inabilities. Many times these exploits are eventually discovered to be false. Teachers and employers should be aware that if our self esteem is low, we may display hostility toward authority which can be a way to hide our inefficiency. Teachers also need to be aware that if our self esteem is low and we do not have much in common with our peers that we may end up avoiding school, which can lead to delinquency.
When our self esteem is low, we may have trouble saying no to friends and family. We may end up doing favors we don’t want to do and end up going where we don’t want to go, with people we do not desire to accompany us. Low self esteem may lead us to believe we have no control over our lives.
General Self-esteem influences students presentation skill is a complex process that influences cognitive and affective factor which constitute the main source of individual differences in learning. The affective factor is the emotional side of human behavior and it involves a variety of personality aspects, such as emotion, motivation, attitude, anxiety, personality, and Self-esteem. Among these, Self-esteem is one of the most influential variables which affect learning. Students who have general Self-esteem will be able to overcome fears or negative thoughts, so they will be easy to communicate, especially in the oral presentation in front of the class. Self-esteem as how you feel about yourself and your abilities. It tells you overall self-confidence level. Furthermore, the students who are able to communicate fluently and confidently, as a good impact of the high self-confidence, is that the students can increase their academic achievement in the speaking course because the criteria of the assessment on speaking skill is fulfilled by the students.
The general Self-esteem is essential to students in social life, especially in their academic achievement. The development of general Self-esteem is influenced by some factors. Self-esteem is affected by life experiences, such as by parents, siblings, friends, and teachers. From them, you learn how to think about yourself and the world around you. It is the support and encouragement you receive from the people around you or the lack of it that helps shape your inner feelings about yourself. A nurturing environment that provides positive feedback improves Self-esteem. Hence, there is a need of environment support and more speaking practice in order to gain the students ‘Self-esteem.
Self-esteem is one of the most influential variables which affect learning. It is one of the central drives in human beings and can exercise a determining influence on a person‘s life, for good or bad. Self-esteem is closely related to self-confidence, both share a common emphasis on the individual‘s perception of his or her abilities as a person. Basically, Self-esteem is a psychological and social phenomenon in which an individual evaluates him/ herself according to some values which may result in different emotional states, and which become developmentally stable, but are still open to variation depending on personal circumstances.
In conclusion, when our self esteem is high we view life in a positive way, feel confident, view difficulties as challenges, and are able to be assertive and say yes to what we want and feel and do not allow others to treat us badly. High self esteem allows us to believe in our self worth and, stand up for ourselves. Low self esteem can cause us to feel like we are not important and can keep us from trying new things in our lives. It can also be responsible for us not making friends and can affect our performance at work and in school. Low self esteem may lead to negative self talk. These negative comments can be responsible for us believing we are not able to accomplish anything. As soon as we hear negative comments, we need to tell ourselves to stop. This will reduce the power of negative self talk.