How School Environment Affect Study Time Among Undergraduates

5 min readJun 1, 2021


Students need safe, healthy and stimulating environment in which to grow and learn. Students tend to spend more hours at the school where the environment plays a significant/critical role in their development. More of the time is spent in the school yard or travelling to and from school. This condition requires careful planning and designing to optimize experiences that support education, health and stewardship. Therefore, the school environment is of paramount importance in shaping and reshaping intellectual ability. However, supportive and favorable school environment enriched with enough learning facilities, and favorable climate makes students more comfortable, more concentrated on their academic activities that resulted in high academic performance. The forces of the environment begin to influence growth and development of the individual right from the womb of his mother. The educational process of development occurs in physical, social, cultural and psychological environment. A proper and adequate environment is very much necessary for a fruitful learning of the child. The favorable school environment provides the necessary stimulus for learning experiences. The children spend most of their time in school, and this school environment is exerting influence on performance through curricular, teaching technique and relationship.

Environment plays major role in the life of every individual whether a students, teachers, employer or employee. Though few undergraduate research project topics are based on school environment and study time among undergraduate that is why this article was written to throw more light on the outcome of school environment effects. Some people are yet to believe that environment brings about better performance. Most of our schools have no light, insufficient facilities, sick buildings and no ventilation. Under these conditions the health of students and teachers may be adversely affected, which will in turn reflect on students performance and study time. Therefore, for the students to carry his/her learning effectively and efficiently, it is necessary that learning takes place in conducive environment.


School environment can be seen to include material and human resources, a learning place which consists of the entire interactive setting like classroom, workshop, library, field and offices. School environment can also be said to be the sum of both human and materials resources that the learners interact with. These include students, teachers, instructors, workshop attendants, administrators and all facilities available in the school setting which may influence learning and academic performance.

The school environment has broad influence on students’ learning and growth, including a significant aspect of their social, emotional and ethical development. When students find their school environment supportive and caring, they are less likely to become involved in substance abuse, violence and other problem behavior. Students who experience their school as a caring community become more motivated, ambiguous and engage in their learning. In particular, students’ active connection with teachers and their perceptions that teachers care about them are what stimulate their effort and engagement.


Environment could be described as a system within which living organisms interact with the physical elements, while educational environment is a place where the learners learn to interact with learning facilities in order to be socialized and face the challenges in the society.

The school environment must have in it the facilities available for instruction and it possesses a strong influence in teaching-learning process as well as affect the study time of undergraduate students. There is need for adequate classroom buildings with good sitting arrangements for classroom instruction. Also there should be availability of well-equipped school workshops and laboratories with modern machines, tools and materials for practices are also necessary as all these will influence the study time of undergraduate students.

Modern instructional materials (non-projected and audio-visual equipment) should be adequately provided. The school environments, which include the classroom, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, teachers’ quality, school management, teaching methods, peer groups among others are factors that affect students’ academic achievement as well as study time.


Study time is the time students set aside strictly for the purpose of study. It is expected that every undergraduate students and students in general should inculcate the habit of studying and this can only be achieved if they have study time.

As a students, there should be time for every activity, plan your time very well and utilize it for your benefits. Do not allow thing disrupt your study time except in cases that are beyond your control or emergencies that requires your attention.


Time is considered as a rare source if it is not being utilized well, for humans time which passed definitely cannot be regained or retrieved. Time is a limited source if people didn’t arrange their missions with time, time is important in our lives both at the practical and educational domains.

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanism and being organized in using time. Here time management is only possible through self-motivation; performance, ability and motivation.

Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but also apply. A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is extremely important, especially when it comes to university students because it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity. It is therefore, advised that every students develop the habit of having a study time.


A proper and adequate environment is very much necessary for fruitful learning of the child. Especially the home and the school should provide the necessary stimulus for the learning experience. The child spends most of his time in school, and here his environment is exerting a different influence on performance through curricula, teaching techniques, relationship.


In conclusion, the quest for mass and qualitative education has become a major concern to Nigerians since it has been described as the bedrock for Nation Building. It has also been generally accepted that environment and heredity can hardly be separated from education in influencing performance of students at all level.

School environment factors to a high extent influences effectiveness of school activities which in turn influences students’ academic performance. The environment, which students stay and learn is very important and should be given priority in terms of provision of facility in schools.



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