How Increase In Tuition Fees Affects Students Performance In High School
If students’ demands and expectations of university are changing, this might be expected to be experienced directly by teaching staff. Moreover, irrespective of students’ expectations and demands, teaching staff and universities may feel under a different obligation towards students and may change their provision
The charging of tuition fees by higher education institutions is a critical component in any cost sharing strategy and one that has become increasingly salient as more and more countries turn to cost sharing in an effort to meet growing demand for, and offset decreasing government investment in, higher education.
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The immediate issue addressed in a country’s tuition fee policy is the division of the burden of higher education’s instructional costs between the student and his/her family and the government, or taxpayer, as well as the accompanying financial assistance policies/programmes that are adopted to ensure that the implementation of tuition fees does not reduce access to higher education for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Thus, the policies by which tuition fees are established (or opposed or rejected) are critical both for the very considerable revenue at stake as well as for the potential impact on higher education accessibility and the implications to equity and social justice. The distinction between such a tuition fee and other kinds of fees is imprecise and is sometimes even deliberately intended to hide what could just as well be termed a tuition or a tuition fee because of either legal obstacles or political opposition to the very idea of such a fee. However, a tuition fee generally refers to a mandatory charge levied upon all students (and/or their parents) covering some portion of the general underlying costs of instruction. A fee, on the other hand, generally refers to a charge levied to recover all or most of the expenses associated with a particular institutionally-provided good or service that is frequently (although not always) partaken of by some but not all student and that might, in other circumstances, be privately provided. Thus, charges to cover some or all of the costs of food and lodging, or of health and transportation services, would normally fall under the category of fees, as might the charges to cover some special expenses associated with instruction such as consumable supplies in an art class or transportation associated with a special internship experience. Less precisely distinct from a tuition fee because they are usually levied on all students but are nonetheless based on the actual expense of the particular institutionally-provided good or service — and which therefore might be referred to as fees as opposed to tuition or tuition fees — could be charges levied to cover the cost of processing admission applications or of providing student Internet access or recreational programmes. Finally, charges levied on all students that are associated with noninstructional programmes or services and that the students themselves have a major hand in allocating among competing programmes and services (usually through an elected student government) are generally referred to as fees.
Academic performance has always been associated to the evaluation tests results , which are those corresponding to student’s IQ, and leaving aside other personal characteristics. Among such characteristics, the importance of emotional intelligence is worth highlighting (management, facilitation, understanding and perception), dimensions associated to personality traits (emotional impulsiveness, respect for others, sociability, negotiating skills, openness to experience, self-confidence) and, of course, the meaning of life, since the creation of meaning is related to each person’s individual development, in hand with other processes such as identity, relationships and life goals. The objective of this project is to study the role of these dimensions in the learning process and development of students, which may predict future performance. Today, there is a clear need for education to learn about the factors that influence a student’s academic performance, considering the performance to be the quantitative result obtained during the learning process, based on the evaluations carried out by the teachers through objective test evaluations. The latest patterns in this area highlight the importance of considering other variables beyond intellectual capabilities. These trends are supported by several points of research that show that academic performance is not only associated with intellectual quotient (IQ), but there are multiple variables and dimensions to which a certain predictive value can be attributed. For this reason, the objective of this report is to extend the existing source of knowledge when it comes to explaining or understanding academic performance, which is why we will analyze the importance of emotional intelligence, personality and the meaning of life in such performance
In general, fees can affect students’ academic performance at two distinct margins. First, they can impact university enrollment among high school graduates, that is, the extensive margin. Second, they can affect degree completion among enrolled university students, that is, the intensive margin. The impacts at these two margins can notably go in opposite directions: for example, tuition fees might reduce enrollment due to deterrence effects, but increase degree completion because of improvements in educational quality or because students raise their study effort due to a sunk-cost effect. In this case, the overall impact on educational attainment would be ambiguous. Combining the estimates of extensive and intensive margin effects to gauge the overall impact of tuition fees on educational attainment. Because fees reduce enrollment but increase degree completion, the direction of this impact is ambiguous. In a simple accounting framework, it shows that because these opposing forces roughly offset each other, fees do not change the number of university graduates in the population much. At the same time, the public cost of higher education decreases substantially with the introduction of fees.