How Celebrities Influence Teens In Colleges

4 min readAug 7, 2023


Someone is categorized as teenager, when he/she is in the developmental stage that lies between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers experience significant changes on the biological, cognitive, personality, and social levels, because of puberty, abstract and reflective thinking, the task for achieving identity, and the increasing of peer conformity.

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Related with those changes, teenagers develop understanding of who they are. They look at the self from a psychological perspective, viewing traits not as concrete entities but as abstractions


Celebrity is the famous people from entertainment field, medicine, science, politics, religion, sports or close association with other celebrities. If celebrity use or promote several things, like make-up, hair style, clothes, habits, the fans tend to follow by buying the products or service in order to show the fans’ interest of celebrity. Unsurprisingly, media use celebrity as the more effective way to influence people’s lifestyle, included teenagers. Media expose celebrity daily life, discuss them with infotainment program, and investigate the celebrity private life. Another issue is the term of celebrity worship syndrome. It will describe the obsessive addictive level when someone becomes more involved with detailed life journey of the celebrity. When media supply continuous information of celebrity, the celebrity worshippers are spoilt to fulfill their needs, by following the news, watching all of the TV program or movie, joining the social media (FB/Twitter) of the celebrity.


Teenagers are best described as part time adults and part time children — with they themselves deciding which part-time is when. It is sad but true that the word used most often when discussing about teenagers is “problem”. Teenagers are not problems. They are like the partially cooked food which may burn if you touch it, which may look revolting in the pan, which may let out steam, but given the right flavoring, patience, and sensitive handling, soon turn appetizing. One of the first things to remember when a child enters adolescence, is that the parent or the teacher needs to grow up with him. Attitudes have to change, disciplining methods have to be revised, and he needs to be given greater responsibility and independence. Today’s teenager has a strong exploratory sense. From TV and internet to relationships and values, she starts questioning everything. This curiosity needs to be nurtured, not suppressed. Peer pressure is very high at this stage, and anything contrary imposed by parents or teachers can create tremendous conflict at home or in school.


Options for role models are countless in a society saturated with the influences of celebrities, models, and athletes. Moreover, with an dramatically rapid development of entertainment industry, famous people then have stronger effects on people, especially the youth. Hence it is not surprising that if one were to ask a random individual, especially a teenager who his role model is; then an answer would be likely a name of a favorite star rather than a name of a relative, friend, or teacher. Then, he also states that idol is his hero. However, not all heroes influenced profoundly; while it is true that some celebrities act as positive role, there are many others set bad examples for the youth. One of these remarkable neutral impacts on teens is self-esteem related to their appearances. They tend to underestimate their own appearances and try to become celebrities look-alikes.

As reported in an article “Celebrity culture” (2014) by YouGov:

Young people are more likely (32%) than average (26%) to say that celebrity culture is having a negative effect on how they perceive their own bodies, and are less likely (49%) than average (61%) to say they are happy with their weight and body image.

This dramatically rising rate of dissatisfaction with body looks shows that youngsters struggle to look better or in term of being perfect like their idols. A reason for that matter is that social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and celebrities have broadcasted unrealistic beauty fantasy imposed on youngsters and make them become quickly swayed. Teenagers then forget that everyone has their own beauty and they are attractive in their ways. Conversely, they are likely to follow the same role model, like Desombre said people all want to look like celebrities instead of celebrating a variety of beauty. Therefore, they admire these gorgeous looks and slip into unhealthy strategies to maintain a perfect physique. Not to mention, they might have behaviors such as starvation, vomiting, and over exercising which lead to mental and physical disorders or even death. Besides, these young people who is lacking of coping skills and self-validation, easily get health issues like “anorexia, bulimia, and body dysmorphia, which can take years of therapy to address”


In conclusion, not all celebrities can be considered as iconic role models. Instead, they can have detrimental impacts on teenagers. These stars who broadcast such gorgeous appearances that leads adolescents to self-esteem and promote them alcohol abuse which both result in seriously physical and mental illnesses such as bulimia, hepatitis, anorexia, as well as death. Besides, they necessitate materialism among the youth and encourage a term of laziness and scandals that affects youngsters’ beliefs, behaviors, and intentions. Of course, there are still positive idols who impose beneficial effects on the youth. Therefore, in term of a fan or a person admires popular stars, teenagers should wisely choose great idols to emulate or imitate

