Favourable Outcomes Of Online Learning Among College Students

4 min readOct 26, 2022


Online learning in education is the wholesome integration of modern telecommunications equipment and ICT resources particularly, the internet into the education system. Online learningis an aspect of ICT which concerns all digital technologies such as computer, scanner, printer telephone internet digital satellite system (DSS) Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) pocket switching, fibre optic cables, laserdisc microwaves and multi-media systems for collection, processing, storage and dissemination of information all over the world.

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Online learning was developed in 1960s at the university of Illinoia. Where students were made to have access to recorded lecture resources via the computers terminal that have link with television or audio device. Later in the year two psychology Professor Patrick, Suppose and Richard C. Atkinson of University of Standford carried out an experiment. They used the computer to teach young children, reading and mathematics in elementary school in East Palo Alto in California.


Online learningsimply means electronic learning. It is an aspect of information and communication technology which can be described as an innovative means of impacting knowledge electronically. online learningcan be seen as form and non-formal education that uses electronic delivery method such as internet based learning delivery packages, CD-Rom, on line video conferencing, website or e-mail to mange the relationship between teachers and learners. Online learning involves certain skills and knowledge; online learning can also be defined as the acquisition of knowledge and skills using electronic technology such as computers and the internet based course ware and local and wide area net works. In the same vein, online learning is a pertinent tool for effective teaching and learning. Online learning is commonly associated with higher education and corporate training, online learning encompasses learning at all levels both formal and non formal education that has an information network — the internet, an intranet (LAN) or extranet (WAN), whether wholly or in part for course delivery, interaction and/or facilitation online learning.


Academic achievement as the extent to which a learner is profiting from instructions in the given area of learning i.e. achievement is reflected by the level to which skill and knowledge has been imparted to him. Academic achievement also indicates the knowledge attained and skill developed in the school subject, generally designated by test scores. Achievement is influenced by the personality, opportunities, motivation, training and education. The other factors which influence the academic achievement of student are self-concept, study habit, parental encouragement, socio economic status, intelligence etc.

School achievement may be affected by different factors like study habits, intelligence and attitudes of learners towards school, socio economic status and different aspects of their personality etc. In our society academic achievement is considered as a key principle to judge one’s total capacities and potentialities. Hence academic achievement possesses a very imperative place in education as well as in the learning process.


The implementation of online learning in education has been favourable in multiple contexts. Previous studies, have presented several advantages associated by the implementation of online learningtechnologies into university education. Online learninghas been viewed as the ability to focus on the requirements of individual learners. For instance, focusing on the needs of individual learners can deliver knowledge in digital age effectively as compared to educational institutions’ needs or instructors. Objectives can be achieved in the shortest time with least efforts through e-learning. When managing the online learning environment, its effect on educational learning are observed in providing equal access to the information regardless of the users’ locations, their ethnic origins, races, and ages. The environment for online learning also help students or learners to rely on themselves so that instructors are no longer the solitary knowledge source rather they serve as guides and advisors. Several studies have shown the positive effects of online learning from the insights of learners or students. For instance; elearning allows to observe much flexible learning ways to go for classes with much reduced need for travel. Learners are allowed to get deeper insights of the information through activities that are carried-out in the classroom through interactive video facility. This allow learners to respond promptly toward the activities. It is important for instructors to embrace the advanced technology throughout the process of teaching and; therefore, learning has a range of skills in information and communication technology (ICT). It is also observed that online learning systems allow enhanced communication between students, and instructors. Part time and full-time students can actively participate in the online degree courses selected from any location or place, providing people who are traveling or relocated, an easily accessible resource for experience and learning. The integration and use of online learning offers disabled people an opportunity for advancing their education from any location. Four common types of online learning systems have been developed which includes; Learning Content Management System (LCMS), Learning Support System (LSS), Learning Design System (LDS), and Learning Management System (LMS). Although all the system has a similar name, however, the function of each system is different. In the process of e-learning, LMS has been widely used by various education institutions. It is further regarded as a platform that is used to manage user’s experience while interacting with online learning content. LMS in general perform three common functions, which include; presenting and systematizing training content, create assignments to test and solidify knowledge, to evaluate progress.



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