Class Size, Behavioral Pattern And Student Performance
Schooling is an intrinsically social enterprise. Student behavior is shaped by and exhibited and interpreted in a social context that involves multiple actors viz. teachers, students, school staff etc. It includes multiple settings like classrooms, corridors, common areas, laboratories, lunch room, and playground. Schools are institutions with multiple goals like enhancing academic performance, encouraging a holistic development of the student. Positive behavior is more likely to thrive when relationships at all levels are trusting and supportive and reflect a shared commitment to establish a healthy school and community. Problem behavior of students not only interrupts teacher’s lesson plans but also disturbs other student’s learning process. Such students test teacher’s patience as a result many feeling overwhelmed, helpless and make teaching as one of the most difficult aspects of a teacher’s job. The most common problem behaviors in the classroom teachers notice are a student’s lack of focus, and the inability to sit/stand for an appropriate length of time required for effectively learning.
The increase in population in a school affects the class sizes, the performances of students become an issue. Class size refers to the number of students in a given course or classroom, specifically either the number of students being taught by individual teachers in a course or classroom or the average number of students being taught by teachers in a school or educational system. The term may also be the number of students participating in learning experience. Class size is almost an administrative decision over which teachers have little or no control. Class size refers to an educational tool that can be used to describe the average number of students per class in a school. There are large and small sizes in school. The smaller the class, the greater the likelihood is that a teacher will spend more time with individual pupils.
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Student’s behavior reflects the interaction of their temperament and inherited personality, the history of their experiences, and the particular nature of each situation. In most circumstances it is impossible to determine what proportion each of these elements contributes to a given manifestation. It also differ in proportions which vary from student to student and even from situation to situation for a single student. Although it is difficult to modify personality of a student having problem behavior, it is possible to modify behavior by identifying and correcting adverse situations in the environment and by introducing appropriate interventions. If adverse environmental conditions are corrected at an early stage, there is a greater possibility of preventing or diminishing their impact on behavioral pattern of student in question
Class size refers to the number of students listed in a regular teacher’s class or class section attendance list and for whom the teacher is responsible. It is an educational tool that can be described as an average number of students per class in a school. it is described as the number of students per teacher in a class.
Students learn behaviors through the feedback and consequences they receive at home or school. Sometimes feedback or consequences unintentionally reinforce negative behaviors. For example, a teacher responds to a student who frequently calls out in class by giving him more attention, which is what he wants.
Student’s behavior reflects the interaction of their temperament and inherited personality, the history of their experiences, and the particular nature of each situation. In most circumstances it is impossible to determine what proportion each of these elements contributes to a given manifestation. It also differ in proportions which vary from student to student and even from situation to situation for a single student. Although it is difficult to modify personality of a student having problem behavior, it is possible to modify behavior by identifying and correcting adverse situations in the environment and by introducing appropriate interventions. If adverse environmental conditions are corrected at an early stage, there is a greater possibility of preventing or diminishing their impact on behavioral pattern of student in question
Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement.
Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.
Academic achievement is important for the successful development of young people in society. Students who do well in school are better able to make the transition into adulthood and to achieve occupational and economic success. Academics are also important because it directly decides the positive outcomes of students after graduating, or helps someone get a new and better job as they move up higher and higher in their job.
The issue of poor academic performance of students in Nigeria has been of much concern to all and sundry. The problem is so much that it has led to the decline in standard of education. Since the academic success of students depends largely on the school environment, class size and behavioral pattern.
Large class size and over populated schools have direct impact of the quality of teaching and instruction delivery. Overcrowded classrooms have increased the possibilities for mass failure and make students to lose interest in school. This is because large class size do not allow individual student to get attention from teachers which invariably lead to low reading scores, frustration and poor academic performance.
Large classes present more challenges for classroom management, pupil control, and marking, planning, and assessment. Teachers are put under more strain when faced with large classes. In smaller classes, it can be easier for teachers to spot problems and give feedback, identify specific needs and gear teaching to meet them, and set individual targets for pupils. Teachers also experience better relationships with, and have more knowledge of individual pupils. However, in order to control rising capital cost of education, the average class-size could be increased. The increase in enrollment in many institutions which has become major concerns of students could definitely lead to an increase in class size.
Therefore, effective teaching seems impracticable for teacher educators having large class sizes of 50, 75, 100 or more. Few students per class are uneconomical, as they do not make full use of space, teachers and teaching materials. Reason why the higher the class-size, the lower the cost of education. However, most classrooms are over-crowded spreading resources thinly and thereby affecting the quality of education and academic performance. One of the pillars of a successful implementation of effective education progamme is the availability and adequacy of teaching and learning resources.
The learner is the focal point in the classroom and what he/she is gaining from the educational experience is of great importance towards the achievements of a good academic performance. However, the acquisition of skills and competencies require a well conducive learning atmosphere. Under learning, psychologists view learning as a process. Learning is a process by which one acquire and retained attitudes, knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities that cannot be attributed to inherited behavior pattern. Learning is the act, process or experience of gaining knowledge or skill. Knowledge or skills can be gained through schooling or studying. Learning is an act of gaining knowledge. Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.
In conclusion, Class size is thought to influence students teaching and learning and their overall academic performance. Large class-size affects the academic achievement of students. Large class size makes teaching and learning difficult and it does not promote seriousness among students in tertiary institution. Effective teaching in a well conducive atmosphere gives individuals the skills to live, learn and work as a productive citizen in a global society. It contributes greatly to the economic development of any nation and a tool for development. Quality teaching must be given during the training, so as to give the students the best that will make them fit in into the world of work.